Chromodo is a powerful web browser that looks very similar to Google Chrome. Besides the fact that the source code is from Chromium, this browser is fast, has numerous useful features that make browsing safer, and shares some interesting functionalities and extensions with Chrome.
Installing Chromodo shouldn't be a difficult task for no one, a few mouse clicks are enough to complete the installment. Once you've installed it, you can check for yourself the resemblance between Chromodo and Chrome. The interface has been carefully designed so you won't find major flaws. The only con that I noticed is that the right-icons of the toolbar are too small and not very descriptive for the user.
Chromodo offers several features that are present in Chrome too. In addition to those, it has a new technology, called Domain Validation, that is able to identify and separate superior SSL certificates from more inferior ones.
Furthermore, Chromodo can prevent browser download tracking in order to ensure the user's privacy.
Not to forget, this browser stops cookies and other web spies and has some privacy enhancements that exceed those from Chromium's technology.
Overall, Chromodo is a fast and free browser that offers some extra security features, and which doesn't have any major issues. The only negative aspect is that the only supported OS is Windows.